Getting started on the FireTail platform

September 7, 2023
July 22, 2024

This guide will help you get started and explore the platform's functionalities. For comprehensive documentation, select from the documentation categories.

Follow the steps below in the suggested order for an optimal setup experience. Steps 1-4 should be completed first to enable a smooth setup of the rest of the platform.

Set up steps

  1. Set up an account
  2. Create an organization
  3. Create applications
  4. API discovery
  5. Notification integrations
  6. Alerting
  7. Logging integrations
  8. Upload specifications

Step 1. Set up an account

To get started, set up an account to sign in to the FireTail platform.

  1. Go to or
  2. Click Get Started.
  3. Enter an email address and password or click Continue with Google to sign in with your Google account.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the sign-up process. To learn more, go to How do I create an account.

Step 2. Create an organization

Once you have an account, the next step is to create an organization. This allows you to Add members , set up Applications, APIs, Integrations and Alerts within that organization.

1. At first login, you will be prompted to create an organization.

  • Alternatively, you can create organizations using the dropdown menu in the FireTail platform.

2. Select a subscription plan (a free 7-day trial of the business subscription is available).

Note: Each organization is separate, and nothing is shared between them. Members added to one organization do not have access to others unless added separately.

Learn more:

Step 3. Create applications

With an organization created, you can now populate the platform with API information by creating applications.

  1. Navigate to the Applications section.
  2. Click Create Application and enter the required details.
  3. Applications are necessary for discovering and creating APIs within the platform.

Learn more about applications here.

Step 4. API discovery

Set up integrations to get full visibility of your APIs. You can integrate with various platforms such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Wiz and GitHub.

  1. Navigate to the Integrations section.
  2. Choose the platform you want to integrate with.
  3. Follow the detailed integration guides provided.

Learn more:

Step 5. Create a notification integration

Creating a notification integration enables you to receive notifications when an alert is triggered. You should set up the integration before creating the alert as you need to select which notification service you want to receive the alert to.

Learn more:

Step 6. Alerts

The alerting functionality of FireTail's platform enables you to set defined filters, conditions, and thresholds that when reached will trigger an alert. When creating the alert you select the notification method, then if the threshold and conditions are met you will receive a notification to your selected notification.  

Learn more about Alerts.

Step 7. Logging integrations

Create an integration with AWS logging. Your logs will be ingested into the platform. You can view logs in the log table of the dashboard.

Learn more:

Step 8. Specifications

Specifications can be used to group information for an API. Creating a specification on the platform allows you to view the inventory data. You can upload a specification as a JSON or YAML file. Specifications are uploaded to an API.

Learn more about specifications.