Report a Security Issue

Last updated: September 26, 2022
If you believe you have discovered a security or privacy vulnerability in or a FireTail product (client library, FireTail SaaS offering aka, or other component), please report it to us.

If you are encountering a problem using our product, please do not submit a security report. Instead, contact us via our contact page, via our customer support, or via your customer success point of contact.

How to report a security or privacy vulnerability

If you believe you have discovered a security or privacy vulnerability that affects FireTail software, services, or web servers, please report it to us. We welcome reports from everyone, including security researchers, developers, and customers.

To report a security or privacy vulnerability, please send an email to that includes:

  • The specific product and software version(s) which you believe are affected
  • The specific URL of a web service or software product(s) which you believe is affected
  • A description of the behavior you observed as well as the behavior that you expected
  • A numbered list of steps required to reproduce the issue and a video demonstration, if the steps may be hard to follow
  • Screenshots are also helpful

Please describe any information that you send by email in detail. You can also use a cloud storage or file sharing platform to send us large files.

You'll receive a reply from FireTail to acknowledge that we received your report, and we’ll contact you if we need more information.

How FireTail handles these reports

For the protection of our customers, FireTail doesn't disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until our investigation is complete and any necessary updates are generally available.

FireTail will communicate with you via email, or may publish information about security fixes in our blog. If appropriate, FireTail may publicly credit people or organizations that have reported security issues to us. We also credit researchers who have reported security issues with our web servers on our blog, if appropriate.

In certain cases, FireTail may pay a reward for sharing critical security issues.  

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us by visiting this page on our website: